Before you make up your mind to purchase a used car, there are some things that need to be considered so that you don’t end up paying more beyond the worth of the car. Therefore it is strongly recommended to take the help of a Used Car Inspection Service, after all, you are still spending a hefty amount on it.
Exterior Car Evaluation Tips
- Although at first checking the exterior might seem like a pretty easy task and mostly requires a whole lot of attention. Moreover, if the vehicle is free of any scratches, dents, or any fault, but still you have to pay attention to the panel alignment and gaps too.
- As you know that doors are an important part of the car, and there is a strong possibility that irresponsible use may have affected it. You must check the doors for any problems while opening or closing, or have loose hinges or shaky panels or not.
- Fogged lighting is one of the most common issues that is found in the car exterior. It is important for you to check whether the lights are working well or not. In addition to that, the light reflector along with the light lenses should also be checked for any cracks.
Interior Car Inspection Tips
- You should check the engine by turning it on and see if it is taking more time to start because this may be a cause of concern.
- If you get a pungent smell when opening the door of the car, then this indicates that the previous owners were heavy smokers. The smell may be camouflaged by air fresheners, but can’t be eliminated as it has already entered the upholstery.
- In case you see sagging or stains on the roof trim, then it will indicate leakage of water through the misaligned doors or windows. Therefore it is necessary to check both of these so that you don’t have to deal with it after the purchase.
Another thing to look out for is to check for the worn out upholstery. It is because the owners may have used seat mats to hide those shabby areas. Take out those mats and check for ant wear and tear because this may otherwise hinder the passenger experience later.
So, these were some of the major Used Car Pre Purchase Inspections to consider before you make up your mind in buying the one. Doing so will save you from unnecessary costs later.