What Should I Get of all the CBD Oil Vape Pens for Sale

If you want to vape CBD there is a choice of what you can vape – the two main types are CBD e liquids and CBD oil. CBD oils are becoming more prevalent in the UK as more people are looking to vape pure extracts which are not mixed with any additional compounds that are used to dilute the mixture down to create a vape juice. CBD oils have conversely been popular over in the US for exactly this reason, plus the fact that CBD oils are a lot stronger than CBD e liquids. In this article, I will explain how CBD oils differ from CBD e liquids and why you need a specific CBD oil vape pen in order to vape it. Lastly, I will share with you my favourite of the oil vape pens for sale.

CBD e liquid vs. CBD vape oil 

As mentioned in my opener CBD e liquids and CBD vape oils are different. CBD e liquids are made from the same liquid base as other nicotine or flavoured e liquid – a mixture of Propylene Glycol (PG) and Vegetable Glycerin (VG) – with CBD (hemp extract) blended in. Whilst it is believed to be safe to vape these compounds many people who are not used to vaping, but want to vape CBD (as it’s proven to be the most effective way to take CBD), are looking for something purer where there are no additional, unnecessary chemicals added. CBD vape oil is that option. It’s just hemp extract, natural terpenes for flavouring and nothing else so no other cutting agents like PG or VG. Because the CBD is undiluted by any other liquids, CBD vape oil is a lot stronger as it is much more concentrated than CBD e liquids meaning you can buy a CBD vape oil cartridge that can range from 55-65% CBD.

A CBD oil vape pen 

Do you need a specific vape pen to vape CBD oil? Yes, you do. As outlined above, because of the CBD oil being of a much thicker consistency to a CBD e liquid, you need a device that is powerful enough to be able to heat up the oil. If you already vape, you will be able to put a CBD e liquid into your existing device, just buy a bottle of CBD e liquid and fill up the tank as you would any of your vape juices. However, for CBD oil you will need to look for a CBD oil vape pen. In some shops (which appears to be borrowed from the americans), this is sometimes called a cannabis or marijuana vape pen. This simply denotes a vape pen that is powerful enough to be able to heat up thicker oils or extracts.

So which to get of all the oil vape pens for sale?

Well, there are many different options of oil vape pens for sale these days as I said they often go under a different name like cannabis vape pen so make sure you are looking or searching specifically for that. My personal favourite at the moment is the Paso vape pen (they also have great high concentration vape oil carts to go with it!). Why I like their vape pen so much:


  • It’s variable voltage setting: this means that you are able to switch between voltage settings in order to pick the vaping experience that best suits your style. This also gives you the option to vape either CBD e liquids or CBD vape oils with the same vape pen. You will use the higher setting for the oils and the lower setting for thinner e liquids. 
  • It’s preheat functionality: a real bonus as this allows for you to heat up the oil prior to vaping which makes for a more delicious / effective vape
  • It looks slick: looks don’t matter, but they sort of do! The Paso pen is silver metal plated (with their name engraved) and super lightweight – looking more like a beautiful office pen than a vape pen. It’s the perfect vape pen to carry in your pocket and you look cool whenever you get it out! Literally, I am always asked where I got it from.
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