What is Responsive Web Design and Why is it Important?

You will be amazed to know that more than 50% of all Internet traffic is generated from mobile devices. This means many users searching for any business or brand on the internet will visit its website from their smartphones if they intend to make a purchase.

Now imagine you’re surfing an apparel store’s website on your mobile device, and you find that the images/content are either too small or highly stretched; how would you usually react? Well, you would probably have a wrong impression of the store, leave its website and hop on to some other. This is because you had a terrible website browsing experience on your smartphone.

Today, all leading businesses aim to make mobile web browsing a rewarding experience for users visiting their website through a responsive web design approach. With this, e-commerce businesses can attract good traffic as a considerable percentage of people search for products and services on their mobile devices.

Let’s understand what exactly does responsive web design means and what is its importance:

What is Responsive Web Design?

A responsive website is one that has an adaptable fluid layout that automatically adjusts to varying screen sizes. Thus, in simple terms, a responsive web design means that a website will resize itself to the device being used to load it, be it a mobile, tablet, laptop, or desktop, for an enhanced user experience.

Thus the content is readable, images are crystal clear, and everything perfectly fits different screen sizes. This helps businesses go the extra mile to give users an amazing browsing experience.

Why is it essential to have Responsive Web Design?

Better SEO Performance 

One of the most significant benefits of having a responsive web design is that your website will rank better on the search engine results page. As per Google’s new algorithm, it considers a website’s responsiveness to decide its rank in search engine results. Thus if your website doesn’t have a responsive web design, it will be ranked low, which will cause reduced traffic to your website from major search engines like Google.

Enhanced User Experience

A responsive web design enhances user experience irrespective of which device they use to access your website. When a user visits your site and finds that it fits to screen, responds effectively, and can be easily navigated, they are more likely to spend much time on it.

Quick Loading Time

According to research, visitors abandon a website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. With a responsive web design, you need not worry, as the websites will load much faster irrespective of the user’s device. As the website is built using responsive images and fluid layout, it enables fast loading of pages which helps in lowering the bounce rate.

Simple and Effective Website Analytics

In order to improve the performance of your website, you need to know the insights that will help you understand how visitors are interacting with your website. If you have two separate versions of your site, you will have to double the efforts to study important website analytics like the conversion rate, bounce rate, average time spent, and click-through rate. A responsive web design makes analyzing your website simple and effective.

No Duplication 

Again, if you have two separate versions of your website, you are duplicating your website’s content. This, as a result, will lower the ranks of both versions of your website on the search engine results page. With a responsive web design, you will be saved from duplication of the content and can have a single website running smoothly across all devices. 


Summing it up, many people surf the web using their smartphones compared to laptops and desktops. As a result, you need to create a website that loads perfectly and runs smoothly across all kinds of devices, be it mobile, tablet, desktop, or laptop. If you do not have a responsive web design, you better look for a good website development company to do the job for you.

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